Check your braces occasionally for anything loose or bent. If a brace comes loose or you break a wire, please call our office so that we can arrange an appointment long enough to repair it. Be as specific as possible with the receptionist. If you lose your rubber bands, call us so we can mail you some more or drop by the office and pick some up.
You will notice that it is much harder to keep your teeth clean with braces. Food collects around the braces and between your teeth, and can only be removed by brushing and flossing. If plaque remains on the teeth for any length of time, it will leave a permanent white scar on the tooth surface. Brushing after meals should become part of your daily schedule.
Click here for brushing and flossing instructions.
After braces are placed in the mouth it is normal for the teeth to be sore for about 1 to 3 days. Tylenol or Advil will help relieve this discomfort. Some irritation to the cheeks and/or lips is normal, but if you feel anything sharp poking you or any sores developing, please call (609)654-0600.